Live Green Toronto Video

The YMCA Academy is doubly green — we’re a green school that’s also a part of a green organization. To celebrate environmental sustainability and stewardship initiatives by our learning community and the YMCA of Greater Toronto, Academy students produced a 90-second video and entered it in the 2014 video awards contest by Live Green Toronto, a City of Toronto program that “promotes and supports the greening of Toronto through programs, events, grants and a one-stop website to help residents and businesses reduce emissions, protect our climate and clean our air.”

Footage for our video was shot by Communications Technology students at the school, and edited by a senior co-op student. Although it didn’t win, in just three weeks on the Live Green Toronto website our video generated 8,022 views and 222 votes — good enough for 5th place among all GTA-based contest entries.

Congratulations to this year’s winners, and thanks to everyone who voted for and shared our video. Keep an eye out for future entries in this contest from students at The YMCA Academy.

What makes the YMCA an actively Green Organization?

Video on the Live Green Toronto Website

Vintage Technology Museum

As part of their Unit 3 (Technology, The Environment, and Society) Summative assignment the Grade 12 communications technology class created a “Vintage Technology Museum” to showcase old technology in one of the display cases at The YMCA Academy. Alongside each of these historic electronic pieces, students were responsible for creating an “eco report” on either the company that manufactured the item (Apple, Nintendo, etc) or the category of the item itself (Cellphones, Radio, etc) and how it relates to e-waste, recycling and sustainability.


Check out some of the great posters!





The YMCA Academy Documentary


Get the inside track on what happens at the YMCA Academy in this student-created documentary about the school, created by the 2012-2013 Grade 12 Communications Technology class.

The documentary features a tour of the school, a depiction of a “day in the life” of an Academy student, profiles of our green initiatives, details about extracurricular activities, and more. Conceived, planned, written, hosted, directed, shot, edited, and produced by YMCA Academy students, this project served as the culminating assignment in the Grade 12 Comm. Tech. course.

Authentic learning and experiential education is central to the Academy’s educational philosophy, says Andras Nagy, a teacher and the school’s technical analyst. “We like producing tangible work,” he says. “Getting the credit is important, but it’s even better when students see their work used for a real purpose.”


Oct. 8th, 2013 – SPIRIT DAY: Nuit Blanche

In honour of the annual art celebration that takes over Toronto streets every fall, we held our very own Nuit Blanche celebration this past Friday.

Students created custom-designed white t-shirts, and wore them during several special events throughout the day. Siobhan’s Grade 12 English class staged a Living Gallery performance in the morning, Todd’s Communications Technology students organized a green-screen Photo Booth at lunch, and Alexi and Siobhan’s Visual and Media Arts classes held an interactive stencil workshop in the afternoon.

Our first Nuit Blanche celebration was a big success. We plan on making it an annual event, and we’re already looking forward to next year!

Check out the rest of the pictures on our Facebook Page!