Dear Parents/Guardians:

The YMCA Academy’s ‘Me to We Club’ along with the grade 10 Civics and grade 9 Nutrition classes are organizing a food drive in support of Halloween for Hunger. The yearly campaign, run by Free the Children, encourages students to collect non-perishable food items for their local food banks.

Academy students are invited to bring in canned food items between now and Friday October 28th. As an incentive to bring in donations, on Friday the 28th in the afternoon all students who have brought in a canned food item will have the opportunity to ‘buy out’ of 4th period to participate in a ‘students vs. staff’ dodgeball game in the Central Y gymnasium.

Any questions can be directed to Michelle Johnson:

Thank you for your support as we work to address the issue of hunger in our community.

Oct. 19th, 2011 – Me to We Halloween for Hunger