Fashion class casts on with knitting workshop

Winter may be over but the YMCA Academy’s Fashion Class is in full swing with knitting and crocheting! Using a variety of tools for all of our different needs, we have created some fun fashion accessories including scarves, hats, hairbands and ties with gorgeous multi-coloured wool. A big thanks to Peg for coming in and helping us along the way. We suggest you take up knitting, crocheting or both because they are great for relaxation and also they sure add to your style!

Check out the rest the rest of the pictures on our Facebook page!

Toronto musicians visit Academy music class

This semester, for the first time, The YMCA Academy is offering a music class. As part of the learning experience, the class welcomed two special guests in the first weeks of the semester: singer-songwriters Luke Correia-Damude from the band PEERS, and Graydon James of the group The Young Novelists.

Luke shared with students his approach to writing songs, and demonstrated how a song starts as an idea and builds into a finished product. “I liked the songs he sang,” says Lita, a student in the class. “They were real.” Ben, another music student at the Academy, agrees. “I liked the music that he made,” he says. “I’d never seen that before.”

Graydon focused his visit on the experience of being a live performer. He discussed stagecraft, and explained how musicians set up tours and make a living through their art. “He was a pretty cool guy to have,” Ben says. “I didn’t know you can travel to different cities. This was new for me.” Lita adds, “I just liked hearing stories about how he toured.”

Inviting people from the community into our school is a vital way to provide authentic, experiential learning opportunities. This is especially important in the arts; hearing a wide variety of creative voices helps our students shape their craft and discover their inner artist.

Check out the rest the rest of the pictures on our Facebook page!

Celebrating success at the Talent Show

In what’s become an annual tradition at the Academy, we celebrated the end of the 2015 portion of our academic year with an all-school talent show. Student performers sang, danced, lip-synced, played instruments, screened short films, and even demonstrated their culinary skills.

The Talent Show has become a crucial community-building event for our learning community. Several performers (and one of the three MCs) were new students in September, and the Talent Show was a great opportunity to make new connections. It’s also a great showcase for the school’s expanding arts department —not to mention the perfect way to say goodbye in style to the 2015 portion of the school year.

Check out the rest the rest of the pictures on our Facebook page!

Grade 9 English – Handprint Mural

Jim Adams, recent recipient of the Ontario Arts Council’s Aboriginal Educator in Schools grant, spent a week with our grade 9 English class. He shared amazing stories of creation, his personal experiences and other themes and taught us all how important stories are to our past, present and future.

We created a shared story through images, art and words on a mural, beginning with the most unique part of ourselves: our handprints!! Thanks Jim for an amazing experience and we hope you come back again soon.

Check out the rest the rest of the pictures on our Facebook page!

Exploring the Turner Exhibit at the AGO

Fierce, eccentric, beautiful. These are some of the words associated with the great British Romantic painter JMW Turner.

The senior visual arts class visited the current AGO exhibition of his later works today, and were treated to a guided tour by an education officer. We discussed the work of his period, sketched our favourite watercolours, and stood in awe at his majestic oil paintings which seemed to emit natural light.

“What I like best about the Turner exhibition was the fact that Turner’s art was centuries ahead of its time,” said one student. “I also like the fact that Turner was the greatest watercolour and oil paint abstract artist. The Turner exhibition opened my eye to a new but yet centuries old way of doing art.”

Check out more pictures from this trip on our Facebook Page!