Dear Parents / Guardians,
Just a reminder that Parent / Teacher Interviews are happening next week on Wednesday November 16th (for Grade 9’s & 10’s) and Thursday November 17th (for Grade 11’s & 12’s). If you are still interested in coming in for an interview but have not yet made an appointment, please do so as soon as possible by calling us at 416-928-0124 ext. “0”. Call as soon as you can to ensure you get the day and time you desire.
Please note: To accommodate Parent / Teacher Interviews, both days will operate on a shortened schedule so that all classes will finish at 12:10pm. See schedules below.
Wednesday November 16th
09:30am – 10:45am Period 1
10:45am – 10:55am Break
10:55am – 12:10pm Period 2
Thursday November 17th
09:30am – 10:45am Period 3
10:45am – 10:55am Break
10:55am – 12:10pm Period 4
Also, just a reminder that Full Disclosure is Monday, November 21st. Attached is another copy of Full Disclosure on the Ontario Student Transcript regulation. If withdrawal is to take place, the Academy needs to be informed by Monday, November 21st. After that time, the regulation will come into effect, and the transcript will reflect this, one way or another. There is nothing that we will be able to do to circumvent this requirement, as informed by our Ministry of Education inspector during our most recent inspection.
On a different note, November 18th is now a Professional Development Days; no school for students. The November 18th Shovel and Spoon afternoon (for the Food & Nutrition and the Health Care classes) had been rescheduled to Wednesday November 23rd.
Should you have any questions or concerns about any of this information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.