As the Civics and Citizenship course comes to a close, students have been reflecting on memorable moments and activities from the course.
One of the most memorable activities was an election simulation where students formed political parties, wrote platforms, and ran campaigns. Along the way, students learned every part of the electoral process, from identifying their own political beliefs to marking a ballot correctly. As one student reflected, “It’s important for me to learn how to vote because I am 15 now, and in a few years, I’ll have the responsibility to vote.” Through this project, students also practiced communication skills like deliberating effectively, collaborating within their parties, and graciously accepting election results.
Another course highlight was our visit to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, where we met Kristyn Wong-Tam, MPP for Toronto Centre. (Fun fact: Kristyn Wong-Tam was instrumental in the creation of our beloved Dr. Lillian McGregor Park across the street!) A memorable part of our field trip was sitting in the gallery while the House was in session, watching MPPs conduct their official business. Inspired by what they saw, students brought some of the issues discussed on the floor back to class for our own debates. Everyone, including teachers, had to hand in their phones for the duration of the field trip, and an unexpected lesson was that students realized they could go without their phones for an entire hour and a half!

Finally, students practiced making their voices heard by providing feedback on the municipal budget and creating petitions about issues they care about. One student shared, “Making my petition was so fun and heartwarming. Getting teachers’ and family members’ support for harm reduction policies made me feel so validated and like I was doing good for my province.” Students enjoyed the chance to engage in civic action and practiced the art of perspective-taking and relating to one another with understanding.