After spending her late elementary grades in a special school, our daughter struggled in high school. They just couldn’t or wouldn’t follow her IEP. Her psychologist suggested a few possibilities, including the YMCA Academy. We visited all of them with mixed results, until we visited the YMCA Academy. Our daughter exclaimed that she felt that she could succeed in this environment and she has — she has been accepted at every college program that she applied to. We are very pleased.
Performing at a much higher level
Our son was first diagnosed with ADHD and an LD in primary school. We were told he was very bright, but would require some supports to help him succeed at school. With support he fared reasonably well until high school. Even with an IEP, and additional support at home and school, his marks began to drop immediately. By his third year he was failing and not attending classes. We enrolled our son in the Academy the following year. The change we saw was almost immediate. Our son wants to attend classes at the Academy and is performing at a much higher level than his previous school. We also noticed a profound change in his mood. Since enrolling at the Academy his happiness and self-confidence have improved greatly. I would highly recommend the Academy to any parent whose child needs a truly supportive learning environment.
Full support from staff
The YMCA Academy has been lifesaver for us. My son is more confident and happier than ever before. He gets full support from staff and students and has made a 100% turnaround. I was very frustrated with the public school system and feared my son was going to be a high school dropout, but he is trying things he would have never considered before and we finally see a positive future for him
The best decision
The Academy has exceeded our expectations. The staff’s genuine concern for each child is obvious and greatly appreciated. The opportunities to be involved in community projects, exchanges, and extracurricular activities further enhance the experience. It was the best decision that we could have made for our daughter’s high school.